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hasSummary |
ERA-Interim represents a major undertaking by ECMWF (European Centre
for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) to produce a reanalysis with an
improved atmospheric model and assimilation system which replaces
those used in ERA-40, particularly for the data-rich 1990s and
2000s, and to be continued as an ECMWF Climate Data Assimilation
System (ECDAS) until superseded by a new extended reanalysis.
Preliminary runs indicated that several of the inaccuracies
exhibited by ERA-40 such as too-strong precipitation over oceans
from the early 1990s onwards and a too-strong Brewer-Dobson
circulation in the stratosphere, were eliminated or significantly
reduced. Production of ERA-Interim, from 1989 onwards, began in
summer of 2006. (The period 1979-1988 was prepended in 2011.)
Through systematic increases of computing power, 4-dimensional
variational assimilation (4D-Var) became feasible and part of ECMWF
operations since 1997, paving the way to base ERA-Interim on 4D-Var
(rather than 3D-Var as in ERA-40). Enhanced computing power also
allowed horizontal resolution to be increased from T159 (N80,
nominally 1.125 degrees for ERA-40) to T255 (N128, nominally
0.703125 degrees), and the latest cycle of the atmospheric model
(IFS CY31r1 and CY31r2) to be used, taking advantage of improved
model physics. ERA-interim retains the same 60 model levels used for
ERA-40 with the highest level being 0.1 hectopascal. In addition,
data assimilation of ERA-Interim also benefits from quality control
that draws on experience from ERA-40 and JRA-25, variational bias
correction of satellite radiance data, and more extensive use of
radiances with an improved fast radiative transfer model.
ERA-Interim uses sets of observations and boundary forcing fields
acquired for ERA-40 through 2001, and from ECMWF operations
thereafter. Noteworthy exceptions include new ERS (European Remote
Sensing Satellite) altimeter wave heights, EUMETSAT (European
Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites)
reprocessed winds and clear-sky radiances, GOME (Global Ozone
Monitoring Experiment) ozone data from the Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory, and CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload), GRACE
(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment), and COSMIC (Constellation
Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate) GPS radio
occultation measurements processed and archived by UCAR (University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research).
NCAR's Data Support Section (DSS) is performing and supplying a grid
transformed version of ERA-Interim, in which variables originally
represented as spectral coefficients or archived on a reduced
Gaussian grid are transformed to a regular 512 longitude by 256
latitude N128 Gaussian grid. In addition, DSS is also computing
horizontal winds (u-component, v-component) from spectral vorticity
and divergence where these are available. Processing of single
parameter 6-hourly surface analysis and surface forecast time series
has been completed for January 1979 through December 2014
(inclusive), or at least 36 years, and will continue as ERA-Interim
becomes available thereafter. Data is currently available via NCAR's
High Performance Storage System (HPSS), or by delayed mode request
which transfers files from the HPSS to our web server for internet
download, or via direct internet download, or NCAR's GLADE file