Data Publications

Masutani's ECMWF Global Tropospheric Climate Analyses, March 1979 to February 1989

  • Masutani's ECMWF Global Tropospheric Climate Analyses, March 1979 to February 1989
  • NCAR_DS219.0
  • Hoskins B.J., H.H. Hsu, I.N. James, M. Masutani, P.D. Sardesmukh, and G.H. White, 1989: Diagnostics of the Global Atmospheric Circulation based on ECMWF analyses 1979-1989. UGAMP Tech. Rep. 7, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, 217 pp..
  • This dataset contains yearly, six-year, and ten-year seasonal means of geopotential height, temperature, wind, specific humidity, and vertical motion for atmospheric levels from 1000 millibars up to 30 millibars. These means are based on the ECMWF daily operational analyses and are on a global 5-degree latitude/longitude grid. The ten-year period is March 1979 to February 1989. The six-year climatology is included because the tropical fields were improved significantly when diabatic initialization was introduced into the analysis scheme in September 1982. More information is available. []
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