Submitted by wdcosf on Tue, 01/29/2019 - 18:15
Presentation of a poster at the conference "RDA Deutschland Tagung 2019" at the German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam (GFZ), 19. - 20.02.2019:
Semantic Linking of Research Data Publications: Contributing to the FAIRification of Metadata Records – A Proof of Concept
Marius Michaelis, Günther Neher, Tobias Höhnow, Bernd Ritschel
Submitted by wdcosf on Wed, 03/21/2018 - 04:24
The WDCOSF Vocabulary Broker System has been transferred from the World Data Center for Geomagnetism at Kyoto University to Potsdam/Germany. The System is now hosted at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, faculty of Information Science. The new URL is: Many thanks to Toshihiko Iyemori for the continuing support over the last few years !
Submitted by wdcosf on Mon, 02/19/2018 - 19:51
The UAT Thesuarus Vocabulary used in WDCOSF has been updated to Version UAT-2.0 (original release date 2017-01-31). The vocabulary mappings of WDCOSF have also been updated accordingly.
Following is an excerpt from the original release notes, concerning the changes in UAT 2.0 (see: ):
"Overview of Changes
Submitted by wdcosf on Mon, 02/19/2018 - 03:03
For the current WDCOSF-Demonstrator we omitted GEMET-Themes and GEMET-Supergroups and used only a subset of GEMET-Groups of the GEMET-Thesaurus in SKOS-Format, as dowloadable from Date of Download: 01.07.2017. For use in the context of WDCOSF, we only kept the english labels and descriptions.
Submitted by wdcosf on Mon, 04/10/2017 - 18:00
Submitted by wdcosf on Fri, 08/26/2016 - 19:55
To improve user experience we modified the presentation of search results when performing a "Concept Search". Instead of just displaying the Concept keyword, we now show additional context information like the keyword scheme to which the term belongs (GCMD, SPASE, ESPAS or UAT respectively), a short definition of the term if available from the vocabulary maintainers, and direct links to <skos:relatedMatch> or <skos:closeMatch> keywords from other vocabularies, if they exist.
Submitted by wdcosf on Thu, 08/11/2016 - 22:20
The domain-oriented Unified Astronomy Thesaurus vocabulary is based on concepts which are also used in neighboring domains, such as geophysics, especially magnetic field research, near earth-space exploration and solar-terestrial physics. The space weather and space climate domains are coverd by UAT concepts too. Therefore we think, the integration of the UAT vocabulary into the Vocabulary Broker is a benefit for astronomers but also geo and space scientists.
Submitted by wdcosf on Sun, 07/24/2016 - 00:12
Submitted by wdcosf on Wed, 07/13/2016 - 07:46
Background: One central goal of the WDCOSF vocabulary broker is to virtually integrate research data from different scientific projects - IUGONET, ESPAS-FP7, ISDC - and possibly others in the future in a scalable manner by means of the Linked Data paradigm.
Submitted by wdcosf on Thu, 06/30/2016 - 06:04
The algorithm for the alignment of the 3 vocabularies ESPAS, SPASE and GCMD Science Keywords has been updated.
The connection <skos:relatedMatch> between Concepts has been implemented by means of the following heuristics: