
  • Topography
  • The general configuration of the land surface, including its relief and the position of its natural features.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Topography is the study of the forms and features of land surfaces. The topography of an area may refer to the land forms and features themselves, or a description or depiction in maps. Topography is a field of geoscience and planetary science and is concerned with local detail in general, including not only relief, but also natural, artificial, and cultural features such as roads, land boundaries, and buildings. In the United States, topography often means specifically relief, even though the USGS topographic maps record not just elevation contours, but also roads, populated places, structures, land boundaries, and so on. Topography in a narrow sense involves the recording of relief or terrain, the three-dimensional quality of the surface, and the identification of specific landforms; this is also known as geomorphometry. In modern usage, this involves generation of elevation data in digital form (DEM). It is often considered to include the graphic representation of the landform on a map by a variety of cartographic relief depiction techniques, including contour lines, hypsometric tints, and relief shading.

    トポグラフィー(英:Topography)とは、対象物表面の凹凸および特徴を観察して、それを精細に表したものをいう。元々は地表の起伏を対象とする地形図を指したが、近年では走査型電子顕微鏡で観察した試料表面の3次元形状を表す反射電子像(トポ像)がその範疇に含まれるなど、用語の意味あいが広がった。 本項では、主に地形特徴のトポグラフィー(特に地図への描画)について記述する。 地球科学や惑星科学分野でのトポグラフィーとは、地形図で示された地形のことで第一義的には高度や斜面の向きで示される土地の形態を指す(その性質や成因までは考慮しない)。対象となる場所の精緻な記載がトポグラフィーで、そこに見られる地形の分類や性質や成因に関する研究が地形学(Geomorphology)とされている。具体的には、等高線、段彩、起伏の陰影といった様々な描画技術による地図上への地形描写表現がトポグラフィーにあたる。現代では数値標高モデル(DEM)の生成も含まれる。


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