Data Publications

Dome Fuji Ice Core O2/N2 timescale (DFO-2006), 0-2504 m (0-340 kyr)

  • Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
  • 2007
  • Dome Fuji Ice Core O2/N2 timescale (DFO-2006), 0-2504 m (0-340 kyr)
  • A20180613-004
  • Age scale
  • Dome Fuji
  • Ice Core
  • O2/N2
  • Kawamura, K., F. Parrenin, L. Lisiecki, R. Uemura, F. Vimeux, J.P. Severinghaus, M. A. Hutterli, T. Nakazawa, S. Aoki, J. Jouzel, M. E. Raymo, K. Matsumoto, H. Nakata, H. Motoyama, S. Fujita, K. Goto-Azuma, Y. Fujii, and O. Watanabe. 2007. Northern Hemisphere forcing of climatic cycles in Antarctica over the past 360,000 years. Nature, Vol. 448, pp. 912-916.doi:10.1038/nature06015. / Watanabe, O., J. Jouzel, S. Johnsen, F. Parrenin, H. Shoji, and N. Yoshida. 2003. Homogeneous climate variability across East Antarctica over the past three glacial cycles. Nature, Vol. 422, pp. 509-512. / Kawamura, K., T. Nakazawa, S. Aoki, S. Sugawara, Y. Fujii, and O. Watanabe. 2003. Atmospheric CO2 variations over the last three glacial-interglacial climatic cycles deduced from the Dome Fuji deep ice core, Antarctica using a wet extraction technique. Tellus B, 55, 126-137.
  • DFO-2006 age scale of the Dome Fuji ice core (Antarctica) for 0-2504 m (~340 kyr), based on orbital tuning using O2/N2 ratio of trapped air. The O2/N2 of the Dome Fuji core reflects physical properties of original snow, and its long-term variations are expected to be in phase with summer solstice insolation at the site. We derive chronological tie points between low-pass filtered O2/N2 record and local (77 S) summer solstice insolation curve by peak-to-peak matching, to modify the original glaciological timescale in Watanabe et al. (2003). We can use the O2/N2 data only from the depths in which air is occluded as clathrate hydrates, which restricts the youngest tie point to 82 kyr b2k. The original timescale, which has a constraint at 41 kyr ago, is unchanged for 0-41.5 kyr ago and its agreement with Greenland timescales is probably within 1 kyr. We linearly interpolated the original timescale between all the O2/N2 tie points, as well as between 41.5 and 82 kyr ago. Gas age of the core was derived by subtracting ice age-gas age difference (delta age) from the DFO-2006 ice age, using Pimienta-Barnola densification model (Barnola et al., 1991, Tellus). See reference for further details and uncertainty.
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