Data Publications

Python Script Apple PY v1.0

  • Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
  • 2019
  • Python Script Apple PY v1.0
  • 10.5880/wsm.2019.001
  • finite-elemeent model
  • geomechanical-numerical model
  • in-situ stress
  • modelling tool
  • stress
  • In geosciences the discretization of complex 3D model volumes into finite elements can be a time-consuming task and often needs experience with a professional software. Especially outcropping or out-pinching geological units, i.e. geological layers that are represented in the model volume, pose serious challenges. Changes in the geometry of a model may occur well into a project at a point, when re-meshing is not an option anymore or would involve a significant amount of additional time to invest. In order to speed up and automate the process of discretization, Apple PY (Automatic Portioning Preventing Lengthy manual Element assignment for PYthon) separates the process of mesh-generation and unit assignment. It requires an existing uniform mesh together with separate information on the depths of the interfaces between geological units (herein called horizons). These two pieces of information are combined and used to assign the individual elements to different units. The uniform mesh is created with a standard meshing software and contains no or only very few and simple structures. The mesh has to be available as an Abaqus input file. The information on the horizons depths and lateral variations in the depths is provided in a text file. Apple PY compares the element location and depth with that of the horizons in order to assign each element to a corresponding geological unit below or above a certain horizon.
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