Data Publications

Surface energy balance at a grassland site in Luxembourg modelled by three structurally different evapotranspiration schemes

  • Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
  • 2018
  • Surface energy balance at a grassland site in Luxembourg modelled by three structurally different evapotranspiration schemes
  • 10.5880/fidgeo.2018.019
  • CAOS
  • Catchments as Organized Systems
  • Diurnal cycle of surface heat fluxes
  • Surface energy balance
  • research > scientific research > meteorological research
  • evapotranspiration
  • land-surface model
  • This dataset provides half-hourly model output of sensible and latent heat fluxes simulated by three structurally different evapotranspiration schemes for a temperate grassland site in Luxembourg. All models use surface energy and meteorological observations as input. The observational data were collected during a field campaign in June and July 2015 and are distributed as complementary dataset by Wizemann et al., 2018. Two models are based on a parameterization of the sensible heat flux (OSEB, TSEB; see Brenner et al., 2017) and one model (STIC 1.2, Mallick et al., 2016) is a modification of the Penman-Monteith formulation using skin temperature as additional input variable. For details please see the reference article Renner et al., 2019, HESS. The data is provided as comma-separated-values (csv) format in a long table format. Columns represent Date, Time, variable, value, source. The column “variable” sets the name of the variable (following CEOP standards, Column “source” describes the data source with an acronym representing the models (OSEB, TSEB, STIC). The data contributes to the Joint Research Group "Catchments As Organized Systems" (CAOS) funded by the German Research Foundation. Methods: land-surface modelling, evapotranspiration schemes
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