
  • world
  • The Earth with all its inhabitants and all things upon it.
Abstract from DBPedia
    In its most general sense, the term "world" refers to the totality of entities, to the whole of reality or to everything that is. The nature of the world has been conceptualized differently in different fields. Some conceptions see the world as unique while others talk of a "plurality of worlds". Some treat the world as while others analyze the world as a complex made up of many parts. In the world or universe is commonly defined as "[t]he totality of all space and time; all that is, has been, and will be". , on the other hand, talk of possible worlds as complete and consistent ways how things could have been. , starting from the horizon of co-given objects present in the periphery of every experience, defines the world as the biggest horizon or the "horizon of all horizons". In , the world is commonly contrasted with the mind as that which is represented by the mind. conceptualizes the world in relation to God, for example, as God's creation, as identical to God or as the two being interdependent. In , there is often a tendency to downgrade the material or sensory world in favor of a spiritual world to be sought through religious practice. A comprehensive representation of the world and our place in it, as is commonly found in religions, is known as a . is the field that studies the origin or creation of the world while refers to the science or doctrine of the last things or of the end of the world. In various contexts, the term "world" takes a more restricted meaning associated, for example, with the Earth and all life on it, with humanity as a whole or with an international or intercontinental scope. In this sense, refers to the history of humanity as a whole or is the discipline of political science studying issues that transcend nations and continents. Other examples include terms such as "world religion", "world language", "world government", "world war", "world population", "world economy" or "world championship".

    世界(せかい、(英: World、梵: loka-dhaatu、羅: mundus)とは、以下の概念を指す。 * 地球上の人間社会のすべて。人間の社会全体。限定された社会ではなく、全ての社会の集合、全人類の社会を指す。地球上の全ての国。万国の意。特定の一国ではなく全ての国々ということ。報道・政治等で多用される用法。例:「世界のトヨタ」「世界経済」「世界の歴史」「世界人口」「世界の地理」。類義語に「国際」や「グローバル」。 * 世の中。人の住むところ。例:「世界が狭い」。類義語に「世間」。 * すべての有限な事物や事象の全体。宇宙。 * 特定の範囲。例:「勝負の世界」。 * 同類の者の集まり、またその社会。例:「学者の世界」「役者の世界」「芸術家の世界」。 * 特定の文化・文明を共有する人々の社会やそのまとまりを指す。「キリスト教世界」「イスラム世界」。また「第一世界」「第二世界」「第三世界」のように冷戦体制下で見られた陣営ごとの国々のまとまりを指すこともある。 * 歌舞伎や浄瑠璃で、特定の時代・人物による類型。例:「義経記の世界」。 * (仏教用語、loka-dhaatu) 宇宙の中のひとつの区域で、一仏の教化する領域。例:「三千大千世界」「娑婆世界」。 * フィクション文学において、「世界」概念を拡大解釈し、ある生物が活動する社会・空間・天体など。 * 生物がを認識する過程で主観体験として構築する「環世界」など。
