Agricultural economics

  • agricultural economics
  • An applied social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of agricultural or farming goods and services.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Agricultural economics is an applied field of economics concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber products. Agricultural economics began as a branch of economics that specifically dealt with land usage. It focused on maximizing the crop yield while maintaining a good soil ecosystem. Throughout the 20th century the discipline expanded and the current scope of the discipline is much broader. Agricultural economics today includes a variety of applied areas, having considerable overlap with conventional economics. Agricultural economists have made substantial contributions to research in economics, econometrics, development economics, and environmental economics. Agricultural economics influences food policy, agricultural policy, and environmental policy.

    農業経済学(のうぎょうけいざいがく、英: agricultural economics)は、農学あるいは経済学の一分野。食品・食物繊維商品の生産及び流通の最適化について研究する応用経済学分野である。 経済学の一分野として、特に土地利用について取り扱うことから農業経済学は始まった。土壌の質を維持し生産量を最大化させることに焦点を当てていたが、20世紀を通じ学問対象はさらに拡大した。今日の農業経済学は従来の経済学分野と大きく重複し、様々な応用分野を含むようになった。農業経済学は計量経済学、開発経済学、環境経済学などの分野に大きく貢献し、食糧政策、農業政策、環境政策などに大きな影響を与えている。
