hasSummary |
A prototype, real-time, hourly, multi-sensor National Precipitation
Analysis has been developed at the National Centers for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP) in cooperation with the Office of
Hydrology (OH). This analysis merges two data sources that are
currently being collected in real-time by OH and NCEP. Approximately
3000 automated, hourly rain gauge observations are available over
the contiguous 48 states via the GOES Data Collection Platform, and
ASOS. In addition, hourly digital precipitation (HDP) radar
estimates are obtained as compressed digital files via the AWIPS
network. The HDP estimates are created by the WSR-88D Radar Product
Generator on a 131 by 131 4 km grid centered over each radar site.
The data analysis routines, including a bias correction of the radar
estimates using the gage data, have been adapted by NCEP on a
national 4 km grid from algorithms developed by OH ("Stage II") and
executed regionally at NWS River Forecast Centers.
Since January 1, 2002, the Stage IV analysis data became available
and are added to the archive. This precipitation data are received
through UCAR/EOL.