hasSummary |
This data set contains U.S. station surface observations that were
digitized from the original forms by the Climate Database
Modernization Program (CDMP).
Data are available for more than 200 stations (mainly at airports,
but also some city weather bureau offices) that made observations at
hourly intervals at least during the daytime hours and often over
the full 24-hour day. The general period of record for these
stations is 1928-1948, though this varies by individual station. To
find out what is available, see this inventory
A significant effort was made by DSS to correct errors in the
digitized data, especially dates, times, and pressures. For more
information about this work, see this document
We have also received data for more than 130 U.S. stations that were
digitized from Form 1001. These stations, which were usually city
weather bureau offices, generally took observations once, twice, or
four times daily. Some stations have data back as far as late 1892.
An inventory
can be viewed which shows stations and their date range coverage.
These data will be made available to the community when errors in
the digitized data have been corrected.