Data Publications

Preliminary minute means Geomagnetic Observatory Tatuoca (TTB), 2008 to 2017

  • Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
  • 2018
  • Preliminary minute means Geomagnetic Observatory Tatuoca (TTB), 2008 to 2017
  • 10.5880/GFZ.2.3.2018.005
  • equatorial electrojet
  • ionosphere
  • magnetic equator
  • minute means
  • Geomagnetic Observatory Tatuoca
  • This dataset comprises preliminary minute means of the XYZ (X=geographic north, Y=geographic east, Z=downward) magnetic field components measured at the geomagnetic observatory Tatuoca (IAGA code TTB) for the period June 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2017. TTB is located in northern Brazil and operates under the administration of Observatório Nacional (ON) since 1957. Since 2015 it is operated in cooperation between ON and GFZ. Since the early years of the 2000 decade, the magnetic equator is close to the observatory TTB. The variations from June 1st 2008 until November 19th, 2015 were recorded by a LEMI-417M fluxgate magnetometer (sampling rate during most of this period was 1 sec, but occasionally 0.25 or 6 sec). From November 20th, 2015 onwards, a DTU FGE fluxgate magnetometer (1 sec sampling) provided the variations. From late October 2016, the total field F was measured with a Gemsys overhauser absolute scalar magnetometer with 1 sec sampling. This is a processed and calibrated dataset. Inconsistencies like spikes and data jumps were corrected. The maximum admitted noise level in this dataset is 1 nT peak to peak in the underlying 1 sec data. Periods of recurrent noise exceeding this criterion were systematically deleted from the records. For data calibration, the baseline was constructed by means of absolute measurements of the geomagnetic field and applied to the variation data. The data files are provided in the IAGA-2002 format ( as daily files for 1-minute means. Following the IAGA2002-format, the filename consists of the IAGA-code, the year (YYYY), the month (MM), the day (DD), the letter p for preliminary, the letters min for 1-minute data, and the file extension min again for 1-minute data. The first 16 lines in each file are a IAGA2002-typical header, then comes, blank separated, the date (YYYY-MM-DD), time (hh:mm:ss.sss in UTC), day of year (DOY), the X component (XXXXX.XX in nT), the Y-component (YYYYY.YY in nT), the Z-component (ZZZZZ.ZZ in nT) and F (FFFFF.FF in nT). Please note that a dataset based on the data provided here will be submitted to the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism (WDC Edinburgh) at a later stage and might undergo further modifications. Geomagnetic observatories in general are described in e.g. Jankowski and Sucksdorff (1996), Matzka et al. (2010). GFZ observatories and observatory cooperations are described in Matzka (2016). The Geomagnetic Observatory Tatuoca (TTB) is described in Moschhauser et al. (2017).
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