
  • landscape
  • The traits, patterns, and structure of a specific geographic area, including its biological composition, its physical environment, and its anthropogenic or social patterns. An area where interacting ecosystems are grouped and repeated in similar form.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A landscape is the visible features of an area of land, its landforms, and how they integrate with natural or man-made features, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal. A landscape includes the physical elements of geophysically defined landforms such as (ice-capped) mountains, hills, water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including different forms of land use, buildings, and structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions. Combining both their physical origins and the cultural overlay of human presence, often created over millennia, landscapes reflect a living synthesis of people and place that is vital to local and national identity. The character of a landscape helps define the self-image of the people who inhabit it and a sense of place that differentiates one region from other regions. It is the dynamic backdrop to people's lives. Landscape can be as varied as farmland, a landscape park or wilderness. The Earth has a vast range of landscapes, including the icy landscapes of polar regions, mountainous landscapes, vast arid desert landscapes, islands, and coastal landscapes, densely forested or wooded landscapes including past boreal forests and tropical rainforests, and agricultural landscapes of temperate and tropical regions. The activity of modifying the visible features of an area of land is referred to as landscaping.

    ランドスケープ(英語: landscape)は、日常生活において風景や景色を構成する諸要素。ある土地における、資源、環境、歴史などの要素が構築する政治的、経済的、社会的シンボルや空間であり、分野を横断して学際的かつ国際的である。または、そのシンボル群や空間が作る都市、場所や地域そのもの、地域環境。日本語の風景を原語とする英語のLandscapeからきていることで、日本語の景観、を構成するさまざまな要素 (樹木、街路、地形)をあらわすが、日本のランドスケープの定義は抽象的であり、明確な定義はない。 ランドスケープ・アーキテクチャー (Landscape architecture) または、ランドスケープ・デザイン (Landscape design) は、土地が持つ諸要素を基盤にして、都市空間や造園空間、建築群(まちなみ等)といったランドスケープを設計、構築することをいい、そうした職能をランドスケープ・アーキテクト (Landscape architect) または、ランドスケープ・デザイナー (Landscape designer) という。


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