Landscape ecology

  • Landscape Ecology
  • The study of the distribution patterns of communities and ecosystems; the ecological processes that affect those patterns and changes in pattern and process over time.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Landscape ecology is the science of studying and improving relationships between ecological processes in the environment and particular ecosystems. This is done within a variety of landscape scales, development spatial patterns, and organizational levels of research and policy. Concisely, landscape ecology can be described as the science of "landscape diversity" as the synergetic result of biodiversity and geodiversity. As a highly interdisciplinary field in systems science, landscape ecology integrates biophysical and analytical approaches with humanistic and holistic perspectives across the natural sciences and social sciences. Landscapes are spatially heterogeneous geographic areas characterized by diverse interacting patches or ecosystems, ranging from relatively natural terrestrial and aquatic systems such as forests, grasslands, and lakes to human-dominated environments including agricultural and urban settings. The most salient characteristics of landscape ecology are its emphasis on the relationship among pattern, process and scale, and its focus on broad-scale ecological and environmental issues. These necessitate the coupling between biophysical and socioeconomic sciences. Key research topics in landscape ecology include ecological flows in landscape mosaics, land use and land cover change, scaling, relating landscape pattern analysis with ecological processes, and landscape conservation and sustainability. Landscape ecology also studies the role of human impacts on landscape diversity in the development and spreading of new human pathogens that could trigger epidemics.

    景観生態学(けいかんせいたいがく、英語:landscape ecology)は、景観を研究対象とした生態学。ドイツの地理学者、カール・トロールにより1938年に創出された。検討生態学的特徴の基礎となる概念によれば、それらの空間的特性の関係を風景と客観所定の空間的に機能的全体性として、自然のバランスより、いくつかの方向で言及されるか、または方法の構成として見られる検査因果効果構造であるが、景観の諸特性と潜在的な価値を評価し、土地利用に応用することをその目的とする実学として発展した。研究対象は、人間活動の影響が少ない自然域の景観とともに、人間活動の影響が多く反映している都市域の景観を含む。自然科学の枠を超える様々な方面からのアプローチを必要とする分野である。


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