Animal science

  • Animal Science
  • The branch of agriculture that deals with animals, including livestock, poultry, bees, and silk worms. 
Abstract from DBPedia
    Animal science is described as "studying the biology of animals that are under the control of humankind". It can also be described as the production and management of farm animals. Historically, the degree was called animal husbandry and the animals studied were livestock species, like cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, and horses. Today, courses available look at a broader area, including companion animals, like dogs and cats, and many exotic species. Degrees in Animal Science are offered at a number of colleges and universities. Animal science degrees are often offered at land-grant universities, which will often have on-campus farms to give students hands-on experience with livestock animals.

    畜産学(ちくさんがく、英語:animal science, zootechnical science)とは、動物の畜産利用に関わる研究を中心とした学問分野である。本来、畜産業への対応を重視した学問であったが、近年では動物生命科学全般への貢献も進んでおり、大学では畜産科学、応用動物科学、動物生産科学などという呼び方をするところが多くなっている。また畜産関連だけではなく、野生動物の生態や保全、もしくは伴侶動物(愛玩動物)との共存についても触れている大学がある。 諸分野は大きく分けて以下のようなものがある。


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