Initial mass function

  • Initial mass function
Abstract from DBPedia
    In astronomy, the initial mass function (IMF) is an empirical function that describes the initial distribution of masses for a population of stars. The IMF is an output of the process of star formation. The IMF is often given as a probability distribution function (PDF) for the mass at which a star enters the main sequence (begins hydrogen fusion). The distribution function can then be used to construct the mass distribution (the histogram of stellar masses) of a population of stars. It differs from the present day mass function (PDMF), the current distribution of masses of stars, due to the evolution and death of stars which occurs at different rates for different masses as well as dynamical mixing in some populations. The properties and evolution of a star are closely related to its mass, so the IMF is an important diagnostic tool for astronomers studying large quantities of stars. For example, the initial mass of a star is the primary factor determining its colour, luminosity, and lifetime. At low masses, the IMF sets the Milky Way Galaxy mass budget and the number of substellar objects that form. At intermediate masses, the IMF controls chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium. At high masses, the IMF sets the number of core collapse supernovae that occur and therefore the kinetic energy feedback. The IMF is relatively invariant from one group of stars to another, though some observations suggest that the IMF is different in different environments, and potentially dramatically different in early galaxies.

    初期質量関数(しょきしつりょうかんすう、英: initial mass function, IMF)は経験的に得られた関数であり、恒星の母集団の質量分布(恒星質量のヒストグラム)をその初期質量(恒星形成時の質量)により記述する。恒星の特性とその進化はその質量と密接な関係にあるので、IMFは天文学者が多数の恒星を研究する上で重要な診断ツールのひとつとなる。IMFは恒星のグループ間であまり違いがない。
