Extragalactic astronomy

  • Extragalactic astronomy
Abstract from DBPedia
    Extragalactic astronomy is the branch of astronomy concerned with objects outside the Milky Way galaxy. In other words, it is the study of all astronomical objects which are not covered by galactic astronomy. The closest objects in extragalactic astronomy include the galaxies of the Local Group, which are close enough to allow very detailed analyses of their contents (e.g. supernova remnants, stellar associations). As instrumentation has improved, distant objects can now be examined in more detail and so extragalactic astronomy includes objects at nearly the edge of the observable universe. Research into distant galaxies (outside of our local group) is valuable for studying aspects of the universe such as galaxy evolution and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) which give insight into physical phenomena (e.g. super massive black hole accretion and the presence of dark matter). It is through extragalactic astronomy that astronomers and physicists are able to study the effects of General Relativity such as gravitational lensing and gravitational waves, that are otherwise impossible (or nearly impossible) to study on a galactic scale.

    銀河系外天文学(Extragalactic astronomy)は、天文学の1分野で、我々の銀河系の外の宇宙を扱う学問である。別の言葉で言えば、銀河系天文学で扱われない領域全ての天体を研究する学問である。 観測機器の進歩により、現在はより遠くの天体を詳細に観測できるようになってきた。そのため、この分野を近銀河系外天文学(Near-Extragalactic Astronomy)と遠銀河系外天文学(Far-Extragalactic Astronomy)の2つの小分野に細分することがしばしば行われる。前者は我々の局所銀河群の銀河など、その内部(例:超新星残骸、アソシエーション)を詳細に観測できるくらい近い天体を扱う。後者は、明るい現象程度しか観測できないほど遠方の天体を扱う。 以下のようなトピックが含まれる。 * 銀河団 * クエーサー * 電波銀河 * 超新星

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Extragalactic_astronomy)