Warning system

  • warning system
  • Any series of procedures and devices designed to detect sudden or potential threats to persons, property or the environment, often utilizing radar technology.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Warning system is any system of biological or technical nature deployed by an individual or group to inform of a future danger. Its purpose is to enable the deployer of the warning system to prepare for the danger and act accordingly to mitigate or avoid it. Warnings cannot be effective unless people react to them. People are more likely to ignore a system that regularly produces false warnings (the cry-wolf effect), but reducing the number of false warnings generally also increases the risk of not giving a warning when it is needed. Some warnings are non-specific: for instance, the probability of an earthquake of a certain magnitude in a certain area over the next decade. Such warnings cannot be used to guide short-term precautions such as evacuation. Opportunities to take long-term precautions, such as better building codes and disaster preparedness, may be ignored.

    警報システム(けいほうシステム)とは、危険・危機が差し迫っている状態(緊急事態, emergency)、あるいは危険性(リスク, risk)の高い状態を、警報として不特定多数の者に周知するシステムのこと。危険・機器・危険性の対象や、警報の形態はさまざまである。社会学、安全工学、心理学に関連が深い。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Warning_system)