
  • ungulate
  • Hoofed mammals, including the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Ungulates (/ˈʌŋɡjəleɪts, -ləts/ UNG-gyə-layts, -⁠ləts) are members of the diverse clade Ungulata which primarily consists of large mammals with hooves. These include odd-toed ungulates such as horses, rhinoceroses, and tapirs; and even-toed ungulates such as cattle, pigs, giraffes, camels, sheep, deer, and hippopotamuses. Cetaceans such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises are also classified as even-toed ungulates, although they do not have hooves. Most terrestrial ungulates use the hoofed tips of their toes to support their body weight while standing or moving. The term means, roughly, "being hoofed" or "hoofed animal". As a descriptive term, "ungulate" normally excludes cetaceans as they do not possess most of the typical morphological characteristics of other ungulates, but recent discoveries indicate that they were also descended from early artiodactyls. Ungulates are typically herbivorous and many employ specialized gut bacteria to allow them to digest cellulose. Some modern species, such as pigs, are omnivorous, while some prehistoric species, such as mesonychians, were carnivorous.

    有蹄類(ゆうているい、Ungulata)は、哺乳類のうち、蹄(ひづめ)を持つグループ。 狭義には鯨偶蹄類と奇蹄類のみからなる単系統群(真有蹄類・鯨蹄類)を指す。 長鼻類などを含む広義の有蹄類は単系統ではなく、現在は正式な分類群でもないが、かつては有蹄目・有蹄大目・有蹄上目などの分類階級が与えられることもあった。派生形質でまとめられた分類ではあるが、平行進化によるものであり、多系統である。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ungulate)