Tanker (ship)

  • tanker (ship)
  • A ship designed for bulk shipment of liquids or gases.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A tanker (or tank ship or tankship) is a ship designed to transport or store liquids or gases in bulk. Major types of tankship include the oil tanker, the chemical tanker, and gas carrier. Tankers also carry commodities such as vegetable oils, molasses and wine. In the United States Navy and Military Sealift Command, a tanker used to refuel other ships is called an oiler (or replenishment oiler if it can also supply dry stores) but many other navies use the terms tanker and replenishment tanker. Tankers were first developed in the late 19th century as iron and steel hulls and pumping systems were developed. As of 2005, there were just over 4,000 tankers and supertankers 10,000 LT DWT or greater operating worldwide.


    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Tanker_(ship))

    A tanker (or tank ship or tankship) is a ship designed to transport or store liquids or gases in bulk. Major types of tankship include the oil tanker, the chemical tanker, and gas carrier. Tankers also carry commodities such as vegetable oils, molasses and wine. In the United States Navy and Military Sealift Command, a tanker used to refuel other ships is called an oiler (or replenishment oiler if it can also supply dry stores) but many other navies use the terms tanker and replenishment tanker. Tankers were first developed in the late 19th century as iron and steel hulls and pumping systems were developed. As of 2005, there were just over 4,000 tankers and supertankers 10,000 LT DWT or greater operating worldwide.

    空中給油(くうちゅうきゅうゆ、英語: aerial refueling)とは、飛行中の航空機に他の航空機から給油を行うこと。専門用語としては In-Flight Refueling (IFR) や Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) と呼ばれる。軍事目的での飛行で行なわれることが多い。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Tanker_(ship))

    A tanker (or tank ship or tankship) is a ship designed to transport or store liquids or gases in bulk. Major types of tankship include the oil tanker, the chemical tanker, and gas carrier. Tankers also carry commodities such as vegetable oils, molasses and wine. In the United States Navy and Military Sealift Command, a tanker used to refuel other ships is called an oiler (or replenishment oiler if it can also supply dry stores) but many other navies use the terms tanker and replenishment tanker. Tankers were first developed in the late 19th century as iron and steel hulls and pumping systems were developed. As of 2005, there were just over 4,000 tankers and supertankers 10,000 LT DWT or greater operating worldwide.

    タンカー (tanker) とは、液体を輸送する輸送機械(船など)のこと。船体内に大型のタンク(液槽)を設置していることからタンカーと呼ばれる。 一般に石油タンカーを「タンカー」と呼ぶことが多いため、液化天然ガス(LNG)を輸送する船はLNGタンカー、化学物質を輸送する船はケミカルタンカーなどと特に区別して呼ばれる。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Tanker_(ship))