Side effect

  • side effect
  • Any secondary effect, especially an undesirable one.
Abstract from DBPedia
    In medicine, a side effect is an effect, whether therapeutic or adverse, that is secondary to the one intended; although the term is predominantly employed to describe adverse effects, it can also apply to beneficial, but unintended, consequences of the use of a drug. Developing drugs is a complicated process, because no two people are exactly the same, so even drugs that have virtually no side effects, might be difficult for some people. Also, it is difficult to make a drug that targets one part of the body but that does not affect other parts, the fact that increases the risk of side effects in the untargeted parts. Occasionally, drugs are prescribed or procedures performed specifically for their side effects; in that case, said side effect ceases to be a side effect and is now an intended effect. For instance, X-rays were historically (and are currently) used as an imaging technique; the discovery of their oncolytic capability led to their employ in radiotherapy (ablation of malignant tumours).



    In medicine, a side effect is an effect, whether therapeutic or adverse, that is secondary to the one intended; although the term is predominantly employed to describe adverse effects, it can also apply to beneficial, but unintended, consequences of the use of a drug. Developing drugs is a complicated process, because no two people are exactly the same, so even drugs that have virtually no side effects, might be difficult for some people. Also, it is difficult to make a drug that targets one part of the body but that does not affect other parts, the fact that increases the risk of side effects in the untargeted parts. Occasionally, drugs are prescribed or procedures performed specifically for their side effects; in that case, said side effect ceases to be a side effect and is now an intended effect. For instance, X-rays were historically (and are currently) used as an imaging technique; the discovery of their oncolytic capability led to their employ in radiotherapy (ablation of malignant tumours).

    副作用 (ふくさよう、英: side effect) とは、医薬品あるいは医療的処置の、副次的あるいは望ましくない作用のこと。 医薬品の使用、あるいは医療的処置に伴って生じた、治療者や患者が望んでいない作用全般のことである。(「副作用」と対比して、治療目的にかなった作用、治療者が本来望んでいた作用のほうは「主作用」や「薬効」と呼ぶ。)。 狭義には、医薬品の使用に伴って発現した好ましくないできごとのうち当該医薬品との因果関係が否定できないものを指す。この好ましくない作用を厳密に指す場合には、薬物有害反応(英: adverse drug reaction、ADR)の用語が用いられる。一般に副作用といった場合には、両者が混合して用いられている。その他の定義については、定義節にて触れる。 特に副作用が強く、安全な使用に注意が必要とされる医薬品はハイリスク薬と呼ばれる。副作用の発生率は、実際の臨床では、服用量や併用薬や既往歴、また期間といった条件によって異なってくる。医薬品の添付文書における副作用の発生率の記載は、治験の条件においてのことであり、実際の利用のされ方によっては、それよりも高まる。
