
  • rice
  • An erect grass, Oryza sativa, that grows in East Asia on wet ground and has drooping flower spikes and yellow oblong edible grains that become white when polished.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or less commonly Oryza glaberrima (African rice). The name wild rice is usually used for species of the genera Zizania and Porteresia, both wild and domesticated, although the term may also be used for primitive or uncultivated varieties of Oryza. As a cereal grain, domesticated rice is the most widely consumed staple food for over half of the world's human population, especially in Asia and Africa. It is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide production, after sugarcane and maize. Since sizable portions of sugarcane and maize crops are used for purposes other than human consumption, rice is the most important food crop with regard to human nutrition and caloric intake, providing more than one-fifth of the calories consumed worldwide by humans. There are many varieties of rice and culinary preferences tend to vary regionally. The traditional method for cultivating rice is flooding the fields while, or after, setting the young seedlings. This simple method requires sound irrigation planning but reduces the growth of less robust weed and pest plants that have no submerged growth state, and deters vermin. While flooding is not mandatory for the cultivation of rice, all other methods of irrigation require higher effort in weed and pest control during growth periods and a different approach for fertilizing the soil. Rice, a monocot, is normally grown as an annual plant, although in tropical areas it can survive as a perennial and can produce a ratoon crop for up to 30 years. Rice cultivation is well-suited to countries and regions with low labor costs and high rainfall, as it is labor-intensive to cultivate and requires ample water. However, rice can be grown practically anywhere, even on a steep hill or mountain area with the use of water-controlling terrace systems. Although its parent species are native to Asia and certain parts of Africa, centuries of trade and exportation have made it commonplace in many cultures worldwide. Production and consumption of rice is estimated to have been responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2010.

    米(こめ、英: Rice)は、稲の果実である籾から外皮を取り去った粒状の穀物である。穀物の一種として米穀(べいこく)とも呼ぶ。日本では主食の一つであり、日本語では「稲」「米」「飯」といった、植物としての全体と実、収穫前と収穫後さらに調理前と後などにより使い分けられる多様な語彙がある。日本を含む東アジアおよび東南アジア、南アジア以外では一般的に主食として特別視することが希薄であり、こうした区別がない言語が多数ある。例えば英語圏では全てriceという同一の単語で扱われる。また、日本語で「飯」は食事全般も指すため、「朝御飯はパンを食べた」という表現も普通に使われる。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Rice)