Aviation law

  • aviation law
  • International rules regulating air transportation.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Aviation law is the branch of law that concerns flight, air travel, and associated legal and business concerns. Some of its area of concern overlaps that of admiralty law and, in many cases, aviation law is considered a matter of international law due to the nature of air travel. However, the business aspects of airlines and their regulation also fall under aviation law. In the international realm, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) provides general rules and mediates international concerns to an extent regarding aviation law. The ICAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations. In the United States and in most European nations, aviation law is considered a federal or state-level concern and is regulated at that level. In the U.S., states cannot govern aviation matters in most cases directly but look to Federal laws and case law for this function instead. For example, a court recently struck down New York's Passenger Bill of Rights law because regulation of aviation is traditionally a federal concern. Aviation law, however, is not in the United States held under the same Federal mandate of jurisdiction as admiralty law; that is, while the United States Constitution provides for the administration of admiralty, it does not provide such for aviation law. States and municipalities do have some indirect regulation over aviation. For example, zoning laws can require an airport to be located away from residential areas, and airport usage can be restricted to certain times of day. State product-liabilities law are not preempted by Federal law and in most cases, aviation manufacturers may be held strictly liable for defects in aviation products. Space law, which governs matters in outer space beyond the Earth's atmosphere, is a rather new area of law but one that already has its own journals and academic support. Much of space law is connected to aviation law.

    航空法(こうくうほう)または空法(くうほう)(英: aviation law/air law, 仏: droit aérien, 独:Luftfahrtrecht/Luftverkehrsrecht/Luftrecht)とは、航空機による空の利用から生じる法律関係を規律する法規範の総体である。 私法関係を規律する航空私法と、行政法その他の公法関係を規律する航空公法に分類される。海上運送に関する海事法ないし海法が海事私法と海事公法に分類されるのと同様である。 海法は古い歴史を有し慣習法を経て成文化されてきたのに対し、航空の分野は歴史が浅く発展が急であるため、航空法は慣習法を経ずに立法された法規がほとんどを占める。また海法と異なり、航空法は国際航空法が大きな比重を占め、国際機関によって直接立法された法規が多く、国内法も国際航空法との整合性が求められることになる。実際、日本においては航空行政法として航空法という名称の法律が制定されているが、その内容はシカゴ条約およびその附属書と整合したものとなっている。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Aviation_law)