Plant community

  • plant community
  • Any group of plants belonging to a number of different species that co-occur in the same habitat or area and interact through trophic and spatial relationships; typically characterized by reference to one or more dominant species.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A plant community is a collection or association of plant species within a designated geographical unit, which forms a relatively uniform patch, distinguishable from neighboring patches of different vegetation types. The components of each plant community are influenced by soil type, topography, climate and human disturbance. In many cases there are several soil types present within a given plant community. This is because the soil type within an area is influenced by two factors, the rate at which water infiltrates or exits (via evapotranspiration) the soil, as well as the rate at which organic matter (any carbon-based compound within the environment, such as decaying plant matter) enters or decays from the soil. Plant communities are studied substantially by ecologists, due to providing information on the effects of dispersal, tolerance to environmental conditions, and response to disturbance of a variety of plant species, information valuable to the comprehension of various plant community dynamics.

    植物群落(しょくぶつぐんらく、英: plant community, phytocoenosis, phytocenosis)とは、一定範囲の場所に生成し互いに連関している植物の個体群全体を指す。単に群落ともいう。 ひとつの植物群落は、近辺の植物タイプの集合体とは別のものとして識別される。各植物群落を構成する植物は、土壌の質や地形、気候、また人間の手による自然秩序破壊の程度により影響を受ける。ひとつのコミュニティの内にもしばしば異なる質の土壌がいくつか見られる。 フォレストコミュニティ(林群集)を構成するのは林冠層または高木層と呼ばれる、枝や葉で覆われた最上部の層と、下層である。下層はさらに分割され低木層、草本層、そして時にはコケ層に分けられる。においては、下層はより細かく分類されることもある。
