Planning permission

  • planning permission
  • An authorization, license or equivalent control document issued by a government agency that approves a step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of action to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Planning permission or developmental approval refers to the approval needed for construction or expansion (including significant renovation), and sometimes for demolition, in some jurisdictions. It is usually given in the form of a building permit (or construction permit). House building permits, for example, are subject to Building codes. There is also a "plan check" (PLCK) to check compliance with plans for the area, if any. For example, one cannot obtain permission to build a nightclub in an area where it is inappropriate such as a high-density suburb. The criteria for planning permission are a part of urban planning and construction law, and are usually managed by town planners employed by local governments. Failure to obtain a permit can result in fines, penalties, and demolition of unauthorized construction if it cannot be made to meet code. Generally, the new construction must be inspected during construction and after completion to ensure compliance with national, regional, and local building codes. Since building permits usually precede outlays for construction, employment, financing and furnishings, they are often used as a leading indicator for developments in other areas of the economy.

    開発許可制度(かいはつきょかせいど)とは、都市計画法に基づき、以下の二つの役割を果たすことを目的として、開発行為や建築行為等を都道府県知事等の許可に係らしめる制度である。 * 都市の周辺部における無秩序な市街化を防止するため、都市計画区域を「計画的な市街化を促進すべき市街化区域」と「原則として市街化を抑制すべき市街化調整区域」に区分した目的を担保する * 都市計画区域内の開発行為について公共施設や排水設備等必要な施設の整備を義務づけるなど、良好な宅地水準を確保する  一般的には、市街化調整区域における建築行為等の規制などの内容も、開発許可制度の範囲に含まれる。 * 以下で、都市計画法は「法」、都市計画法施行令は「政令」とのみ記載する。
