
  • museum
  • A place or building where objects of historical, artistic, or scientific interest are exhibited, preserved or studied.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A museum (/mjuːˈziːəm/ mew-ZEE-əm; plural museums or, rarely, musea) is a building or institution that cares for and displays a collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance. Many public museums make these items available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary. The largest museums are located in major cities throughout the world, while thousands of local museums exist in smaller cities, towns, and rural areas. Museums have varying aims, ranging from the conservation and documentation of their collection, serving researchers and specialists, to catering to the general public. The goal of serving researchers is not only scientific, but intended to serve the general public. There are many types of museums, including art museums, natural history museums, science museums, war museums, and children's museums. According to the International Council of Museums (ICOM), there are more than 55,000 museums in 202 countries.

    博物館(はくぶつかん)とは、特定の分野において価値のある対象、学術資料、美術品等を購入・寄託・寄贈などの手段で収集、保存し、それらについて専属の職員である学芸員(英: Curater・キュレーター)が研究すると同時に、来訪者に展示の形で開示している施設である。 ミュージアム(英: museum、英語発音: [mjuːˈziːəm])と英語風(外来語)に呼ぶこともある。 多くは自然史、歴史、民族、民俗、美術・芸術、科学・技術、交通(鉄道や自動車、海事、航空)、軍事・平和など、ある分野を中心に構成され、収集された資料に基づく研究成果を公刊すると同時に、来訪者がその分野について幅広く知識を吸収できるように工夫されている。
