
  • municipality
  • A town, city, or other district having powers of local self-government.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A municipality is usually a single administrative division having corporate status and powers of self-government or jurisdiction as granted by national and regional laws to which it is subordinate. The term municipality may also mean the governing body of a given municipality. A municipality is a general-purpose administrative subdivision, as opposed to a special-purpose district. The term is derived from French municipalité and Latin municipalis. The English word municipality derives from the Latin social contract municipium (derived from a word meaning "duty holders"), referring to the Latin communities that supplied Rome with troops in exchange for their own incorporation into the Roman state (granting Roman citizenship to the inhabitants) while permitting the communities to retain their own local governments (a limited autonomy). A municipality can be any political jurisdiction, from a sovereign state such as the Principality of Monaco, to a small village such as West Hampton Dunes, New York. The territory over which a municipality has jurisdiction may encompass * only one populated place such as a city, town, or village * several such places (e.g., early jurisdictions in the U.S. state of New Jersey (1798–1899) as townships governing several villages, municipalities of Mexico, municipalities of Colombia) * only parts of such places, sometimes boroughs of a city, such as the 34 municipalities of Santiago, Chile.

    都市(とし、英: city)とは、人口の集中した地域で、政治・経済・文化の中心になっている大きな "まち" 。多くの人口集団をもっており、家屋などの建造物が密集し、住民の生産がおもに第二次産業や第三次産業に依存して発達した集落。 「村落」と対比される用語・概念である。


    A municipality is usually a single administrative division having corporate status and powers of self-government or jurisdiction as granted by national and regional laws to which it is subordinate. The term municipality may also mean the governing body of a given municipality. A municipality is a general-purpose administrative subdivision, as opposed to a special-purpose district. The term is derived from French municipalité and Latin municipalis. The English word municipality derives from the Latin social contract municipium (derived from a word meaning "duty holders"), referring to the Latin communities that supplied Rome with troops in exchange for their own incorporation into the Roman state (granting Roman citizenship to the inhabitants) while permitting the communities to retain their own local governments (a limited autonomy). A municipality can be any political jurisdiction, from a sovereign state such as the Principality of Monaco, to a small village such as West Hampton Dunes, New York. The territory over which a municipality has jurisdiction may encompass * only one populated place such as a city, town, or village * several such places (e.g., early jurisdictions in the U.S. state of New Jersey (1798–1899) as townships governing several villages, municipalities of Mexico, municipalities of Colombia) * only parts of such places, sometimes boroughs of a city, such as the 34 municipalities of Santiago, Chile.

    基礎自治体(きそじちたい)とは、国の行政区画の中で最小の単位で、首長や地方議会などの自治制度があるものを指す。 基礎自治体の名称は国によって異なる。日本の市町村のようにいくつかの種類に分かれている国もあれば、フランスのコミューンのように人口に関係なく同じ名称で呼ばれる国もある。


    A municipality is usually a single administrative division having corporate status and powers of self-government or jurisdiction as granted by national and regional laws to which it is subordinate. The term municipality may also mean the governing body of a given municipality. A municipality is a general-purpose administrative subdivision, as opposed to a special-purpose district. The term is derived from French municipalité and Latin municipalis. The English word municipality derives from the Latin social contract municipium (derived from a word meaning "duty holders"), referring to the Latin communities that supplied Rome with troops in exchange for their own incorporation into the Roman state (granting Roman citizenship to the inhabitants) while permitting the communities to retain their own local governments (a limited autonomy). A municipality can be any political jurisdiction, from a sovereign state such as the Principality of Monaco, to a small village such as West Hampton Dunes, New York. The territory over which a municipality has jurisdiction may encompass * only one populated place such as a city, town, or village * several such places (e.g., early jurisdictions in the U.S. state of New Jersey (1798–1899) as townships governing several villages, municipalities of Mexico, municipalities of Colombia) * only parts of such places, sometimes boroughs of a city, such as the 34 municipalities of Santiago, Chile.

    行政区画(ぎょうせいくかく)とは、国家が円滑な国家機能を執行するために領土を細分化した区画のこと。地方行政区分(ちほうぎょうせいくぶん)などともいう。日本において、行政区画内を施政・統治する機構を地方公共団体という。 通常、複数の基礎行政区画(日本でいう市町村)が集まり、上級行政区画(日本でいう都道府県)を形成する。また、1つの基礎行政区画が所属する上級行政区画は1つであり、別の上級行政区画と重複することはない。 国土の面積、人口の分布、政体のあり方などにより各国の制度が異なり、それぞれ行政区画の名称、等級、構造、数も異なる。モナコやナウルなどの小国のように、行政区画が存在しない国もある。
