Motor vehicle

  • motor vehicle
  • A road vehicle driven by a motor or engine, especially an internal-combustion engine.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A motor vehicle, also known as motorized vehicle or automotive vehicle, is a self-propelled land vehicle, commonly wheeled, that does not operate on rails (such as trains or trams) and is used for the transportation of people or cargo. The vehicle propulsion is provided by an engine or motor, usually an internal combustion engine or an electric motor, or some combination of the two, such as hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. For legal purpose, motor vehicles are often identified within a number of vehicle classes including cars, buses, motorcycles, off-road vehicles, light trucks and regular trucks. These classifications vary according to the legal codes of each country. ISO 3833:1977 is the standard for road vehicle types, terms and definitions. Generally, to avoid requiring people with disabilities from having to possess an operator's license to use one, or requiring tags and insurance, powered wheelchairs will be specifically excluded by law from being considered motor vehicles. As of 2011, there were more than one billion motor vehicles in use in the world, excluding off-road vehicles and heavy construction equipment. The US publisher Ward's estimates that as of 2019, there were 1.4 billion motor vehicles in use in the world. Global vehicle ownership per capita in 2010 was 148 vehicles in operation (VIO) per 1000 people. China has the largest motor vehicle fleet in the world, with 322 million motor vehicles registered at the end of September 2018. The United States has the highest vehicle ownership per capita in the world, with 832 vehicles in operation per 1000 people in 2016. Also, China became the world's largest new car market in 2009. In 2011, a total of 80 million cars and commercial vehicles were built, led by China which built a total of 18.4 million motor vehicles.

    モータービークル (motor vehicle) は、原動機で動き道路を走る(ただしレールを使わない)、四輪以上の輸送機関である。ただし、ISOやJISの定義ではこのように四輪以上に限るが、しばしば車輪数を問わず自動二輪車などを含む。 「モータービークル」は文字どおりには「モーターを持つ乗り物」の意味だが、航空機や船舶、あるいは陸上輸送機関であっても鉄道車両は含まない。なお、ここでの「モーター」は「原動機」の意味であり電気モーターに限らない。「エンジン付き車両」と訳せばわかりやすいが、日本語には定まった訳がなく、JISでも「モータ・ビークル」としている。
