Mobile home

  • mobile home
  • Living quarters mounted on wheels and capable of being towed by a motor vehicle.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A mobile home (also known as a house trailer, park home, trailer, or trailer home) is a prefabricated structure, built in a factory on a permanently attached chassis before being transported to site (either by being towed or on a trailer). Used as permanent homes, or for holiday or temporary accommodation, they are often left permanently or semi-permanently in one place, but can be moved, and may be required to move from time to time for legal reasons. Mobile homes share the same historic origins as travel trailers, but today the two are very different, with travel trailers being used primarily as temporary or vacation homes. Behind the cosmetic work fitted at installation to hide the base, mobile homes have strong trailer frames, axles, wheels, and tow-hitches.

    モービル・ホーム(英: mobile home)あるいはトレーラーハウス(和製英語)とは、車輪がついていて自動車で牽引できる住まい。 「トレーラーハウス」という言葉自体は和製英語であり、英語ではモービル・ホーム(mobile home)、トレーラー(trailer)、ハウス・トレーラー(house trailer)、トレーラー・ホーム(trailer home)、スタティック・キャラバン(static caravan)などと呼称されている。
