
  • melting
  • A change of the state of a substance from the solid phase to the liquid phase. Also known as fusion.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Melting, or fusion, is a physical process that results in the phase transition of a substance from a solid to a liquid. This occurs when the internal energy of the solid increases, typically by the application of heat or pressure, which increases the substance's temperature to the melting point. At the melting point, the ordering of ions or molecules in the solid breaks down to a less ordered state, and the solid "melts" to become a liquid. Substances in the molten state generally have reduced viscosity as the temperature increases. An exception to this principle is the element sulfur, whose viscosity increases in the range of 160 °C to 180 °C due to polymerization. Some organic compounds melt through mesophases, states of partial order between solid and liquid.

    融解(ゆうかい、英: melting)とは、物理学で固体が液体に変化すること。また、そうさせるために加熱することである。固体が液体に変化する温度を融点、液体に変化した物質の状態を液相という。
