
  • livestock
  • Cattle, horses, and similar animals kept for domestic use especially on a farm.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Livestock are the domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to provide labor and produce commodities such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool. The term is sometimes used to refer solely to animals who are raised for consumption, and sometimes used to refer solely to farmed ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. Horses are considered livestock in the United States. The USDA classifies pork, veal, beef, and lamb (mutton) as livestock, and all livestock as red meat. Poultry and fish are not included in the category. The breeding, maintenance, slaughter and general subjugation of livestock, called animal husbandry, is a part of modern agriculture and has been practiced in many cultures since humanity's transition to farming from hunter-gatherer lifestyles. Animal husbandry practices have varied widely across cultures and time periods. It continues to play a major economic and cultural role in numerous communities. Livestock farming practices have largely shifted to intensive animal farming. Intensive animal farming increases the yield of the various commercial outputs, but also negatively impacts animal welfare, the environment, and public health. In particular, beef, dairy and sheep are an outsized source of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.

    家畜(かちく、英: domesticated animal)とは、ヒト(人間)がその生活に役立つよう、野生動物であったものを馴化させ、飼養し、繁殖させ、品種改良したものをいう。哺乳類・鳥類・爬虫類・両生類・魚類のほか、無脊椎動物もその範疇にある。 利用目的により、使役動物・愛玩動物・実験動物の3種に大別できる。また、狭義の一つでは、農業生産に直接的に関わる農用動物のみを指す(※農用動物は、畜産物を生産する『用畜』と、労働力として利用する『役畜』に大別される)。さらに別の狭義では、哺乳類の家畜だけを「家畜」という。また、鳥類は家禽(かきん)と呼び分けるのが日本語での通例である。 野生であったものが家畜に変わること、および(ヒトが)家畜に変えることは「家畜化」といい、どちらも「家畜化する」という形で活用する。強制力を強調する場合は「家畜化される」と表現する。 なお家畜動物が再野生化する場合もある。例えば、野猫、野生馬(例:御崎馬)などがある。
