
  • leaf
  • The main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants, usually consisting of a flat green blade attached to the stem directly or by a stalk.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A leaf (PL: leaves) is any of the principal appendages of a vascular plant stem, usually borne laterally aboveground and specialized for photosynthesis. Leaves are collectively called foliage, as in "autumn foliage", while the leaves, stem, flower, and fruit collectively form the shoot system. In most leaves, the primary photosynthetic tissue is the palisade mesophyll and is located on the upper side of the blade or lamina of the leaf but in some species, including the mature foliage of Eucalyptus, palisade mesophyll is present on both sides and the leaves are said to be isobilateral. Most leaves are flattened and have distinct upper (adaxial) and lower (abaxial) surfaces that differ in color, hairiness, the number of stomata (pores that intake and output gases), the amount and structure of epicuticular wax and other features. Leaves are mostly green in color due to the presence of a compound called chlorophyll that is essential for photosynthesis as it absorbs light energy from the sun. A leaf with lighter-colored or white patches or edges is called a variegated leaf. Leaves can have many different shapes, sizes, and textures. The broad, flat leaves with complex of flowering plants are known as megaphylls and the species that bear them, the majority, as broad-leaved or megaphyllous plants, which also includes acrogymnosperms and ferns. In the lycopods, with different evolutionary origins, the leaves are simple (with only a single vein) and are known as microphylls. Some leaves, such as bulb scales, are not above ground. In many aquatic species, the leaves are submerged in water. Succulent plants often have thick juicy leaves, but some leaves are without major photosynthetic function and may be dead at maturity, as in some cataphylls and spines. Furthermore, several kinds of leaf-like structures found in vascular plants are not totally homologous with them. Examples include flattened plant stems called phylloclades and cladodes, and flattened leaf stems called phyllodes which differ from leaves both in their structure and origin. Some structures of non-vascular plants look and function much like leaves. Examples include the phyllids of mosses and liverworts.

    葉(は)は、一般的には、植物がもっている、光合成や呼吸を行う器官のことをいう。扁平で、葉脈が張り巡らされており、葉の隅々まで行き渡っている。 植物学においては、茎頂(茎の先端)で形成される側生器官のことをさすため、上記のものの他に、萼片、花びら、雄しべ、心皮(雌しべのもとになるもの)、苞、鱗片葉などを含む。これらの一部については「特殊な構造」に説明がある。 ここでは、サクラやクスノキなど、広葉樹の葉を、広葉樹(双子葉植物)を典型と見なして説明する。なお、コケ類にも葉のような構造が見られる。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Leaf)

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