Lead compound

  • lead compound
  • Lead compounds are present as gasoline additives, in paint, ceramic products, roofing, caulking, electrical applications, tubes, or containers. Lead exposure may be due to air, water, food, or soil. Lead in the air is primarily due to lead-based fuels and the combustion of solid waste, coal, oils, and emissions from alkyl lead manufacturers, wind blown dust volcanoes, the burning of lead-painted surfaces, and cigarette smoke. Lead in drinking water comes from leaching from lead pipes, connectors, and solder in both the distribution system and household plumbing.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A lead compound (/ˈliːd/, i.e. a "leading" compound, not to be confused with various compounds of the metallic element lead) in drug discovery is a chemical compound that has pharmacological or biological activity likely to be therapeutically useful, but may nevertheless have suboptimal structure that requires modification to fit better to the target; lead drugs offer the prospect of being followed by back-up compounds. Its chemical structure serves as a starting point for chemical modifications in order to improve potency, selectivity, or pharmacokinetic parameters. Furthermore, newly invented pharmacologically active moieties may have poor druglikeness and may require chemical modification to become drug-like enough to be tested biologically or clinically.

    リード化合物(リードかごうぶつ、lead compound)とは、医薬品開発において、生理活性を持つ化合物で、その化学構造は、有効性 (英語版) 、結合選択性、薬物動態学上の指標などを改良するための出発点として用いられる。リード ([ˈliːd]) とは、最終的な新医薬品を「導き出す(リードする)化合物」という意味である。新規に開発された生理活性を示す構造は、安定性、安全性など実用的な薬らしさに欠けることがあり、動物試験 (英語版) や臨床試験へと進むためには化学的改良を必要とする。 リード化合物は開発候補 (developmental candidates) と呼ばれることがある。これは、リード化合物の発見と選択が、その候補の前臨床および臨床開発に先立って行われるからである。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Lead_compound)