
  • kerosene
  • A thin oil distilled from petroleum or shale oil, used as a fuel for heating and cooking, in lamps, and as a denaturant for alcohol.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Kerosene, paraffin, or lamp oil is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid which is derived from petroleum. It is widely used as a fuel in aviation as well as households. Its name derives from Greek: κηρός (keros) meaning "wax", and was registered as a trademark by Canadian geologist and inventor Abraham Gesner in 1854 before evolving into a generic trademark. It is sometimes spelled kerosine in scientific and industrial usage. The term kerosene is common in much of Argentina, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Nigeria, and the United States, while the term paraffin (or a closely related variant) is used in Chile, eastern Africa, South Africa, Norway, and in the United Kingdom. The term lamp oil, or the equivalent in the local languages, is common in the majority of Asia and the Southeastern United States. Liquid paraffin (called mineral oil in the US) is a more viscous and highly refined product which is used as a laxative. Paraffin wax is a waxy solid extracted from petroleum. Kerosene is widely used to power jet engines of aircraft (jet fuel), as well as some rocket engines in a highly refined form called RP-1. It is also commonly used as a cooking and lighting fuel, and for fire toys such as poi. In parts of Asia, kerosene is sometimes used as fuel for small outboard motors or even motorcycles. World total kerosene consumption for all purposes is equivalent to about 1,110,000 cubic metres (39 million cubic feet) per day. To prevent confusion between kerosene and the much more flammable and volatile gasoline (petrol), some jurisdictions regulate markings or colourings for containers used to store or dispense kerosene. For example, in the United States, Pennsylvania requires that portable containers used at retail service stations for kerosene be colored blue, as opposed to red (for gasoline) or yellow (for diesel). The World Health Organization considers kerosene to be a polluting fuel and recommends that "governments and practitioners immediately stop promoting its household use". Kerosene smoke contains high levels of harmful particulate matter, and household use of kerosene is associated with higher risks of cancer, respiratory infections, asthma, tuberculosis, cataracts, and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

    ケロシン(英語: kerosene)とは、石油の分留成分の1つである。およそ沸点150 - 280℃、炭素数10 - 15、密度0.79 - 0.83のものである。ナフサ(ガソリンの原料)より重く、軽油より軽い。 ケロシンを主成分として、灯油、ジェット燃料、ケロシン系ロケット燃料などの石油製品が作られる。灯油の成分はケロシンだが、日本では灯油をケロシンと呼ぶことは稀で、ケロシンといえば「ジェット燃料やロケット燃料」のことが多い。 英語では kerosene のほか kerosine とも綴り、また coal oil ともいう。中国語では「煤油」や俗に「火水」という。モービル石油やコストコのガソリンスタンドで、灯油の給油機には、英語の Kerosine が書かれている。また、英国と南アフリカでは イギリス英語: paraffin(パラフィン)とも呼ぶ。


    Kerosene, paraffin, or lamp oil is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid which is derived from petroleum. It is widely used as a fuel in aviation as well as households. Its name derives from Greek: κηρός (keros) meaning "wax", and was registered as a trademark by Canadian geologist and inventor Abraham Gesner in 1854 before evolving into a generic trademark. It is sometimes spelled kerosine in scientific and industrial usage. The term kerosene is common in much of Argentina, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Nigeria, and the United States, while the term paraffin (or a closely related variant) is used in Chile, eastern Africa, South Africa, Norway, and in the United Kingdom. The term lamp oil, or the equivalent in the local languages, is common in the majority of Asia and the Southeastern United States. Liquid paraffin (called mineral oil in the US) is a more viscous and highly refined product which is used as a laxative. Paraffin wax is a waxy solid extracted from petroleum. Kerosene is widely used to power jet engines of aircraft (jet fuel), as well as some rocket engines in a highly refined form called RP-1. It is also commonly used as a cooking and lighting fuel, and for fire toys such as poi. In parts of Asia, kerosene is sometimes used as fuel for small outboard motors or even motorcycles. World total kerosene consumption for all purposes is equivalent to about 1,110,000 cubic metres (39 million cubic feet) per day. To prevent confusion between kerosene and the much more flammable and volatile gasoline (petrol), some jurisdictions regulate markings or colourings for containers used to store or dispense kerosene. For example, in the United States, Pennsylvania requires that portable containers used at retail service stations for kerosene be colored blue, as opposed to red (for gasoline) or yellow (for diesel). The World Health Organization considers kerosene to be a polluting fuel and recommends that "governments and practitioners immediately stop promoting its household use". Kerosene smoke contains high levels of harmful particulate matter, and household use of kerosene is associated with higher risks of cancer, respiratory infections, asthma, tuberculosis, cataracts, and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

    灯油(燈油、とうゆ)は、灯火用の液体燃料の総称。また、石油製品の一種。 灯油とは、元来はランプなど照明器具のための油の総称をいう。灯火用の液体燃料としては古来より胡麻油や鯨油が用いられ、この意味では「灯油(ともしびあぶら)」とも読む。 やがて、従来の灯火用燃料の代替品として石油を精製した燃料が用いられるようになった。灯油は石油の分留成分の一つであるケロシンを暖房やランプなどの日用品における燃料として利用するために調整した製品である。「ケロシン」そのものを「灯油」と呼ぶことがあるが、ここでは主に石油製品としての灯油について述べる。
