Industrial society

  • industrial society
  • A large-scale community with diverse manufacturing sectors and an infrastructure and economy based on the science, technology and instrumental rationality of the modern West.
Abstract from DBPedia
    In sociology, industrial society is a society driven by the use of technology and machinery to enable mass production, supporting a large population with a high capacity for division of labour. Such a structure developed in the Western world in the period of time following the Industrial Revolution, and replaced the agrarian societies of the pre-modern, pre-industrial age. Industrial societies are generally mass societies, and may be succeeded by an information society. They are often contrasted with traditional societies. Industrial societies use external energy sources, such as fossil fuels, to increase the rate and scale of production. The production of food is shifted to large commercial farms where the products of industry, such as combine harvesters and fossil fuel-based fertilizers, are used to decrease required human labor while increasing production. No longer needed for the production of food, excess labor is moved into these factories where mechanization is utilized to further increase efficiency. As populations grow, and mechanization is further refined, often to the level of automation, many workers shift to expanding service industries. Industrial society makes urbanization desirable, in part so that workers can be closer to centers of production, and the service industry can provide labor to workers and those that benefit financially from them, in exchange for a piece of production profits with which they can buy goods. This leads to the rise of very large cities and surrounding suburb areas with a high rate of economic activity. These urban centers require the input of external energy sources in order to overcome the diminishing returns of agricultural consolidation, due partially to the lack of nearby arable land, associated transportation and storage costs, and are otherwise unsustainable. This makes the reliable availability of the needed energy resources high priority in industrial government policies.

    産業社会(さんぎょうしゃかい、英語:industrial society)とは、工業化の進展した社会のこと。工業社会や工業化社会とも称される。 産業社会は前段階が農耕社会である場合が大半であり、通例では長期の歴史変動に関して、農耕・牧畜社会→工業社会→脱工業社会(ポスト工業化社会)という段階論的な文脈で用いられることが多い。従って、工業化の進展に伴い、農業に最適化された社会構造や文化が解消され、工業に適した社会構造に変化する点に焦点を当てる概念である。 変化の傾向として、以下のような現象が発生する。 * 都市化 * 画一化、均一化 * 家族構成員数の低下 * 企業組織の発達 * 分業の進展 * 生産性の上昇に伴う大量生産・大量消費 * 経済成長による、「追いつけ追い越せ」型の成長社会 * 労働者層における工員(ブルーカラー)の占める割合の上昇 * 大衆社会の形成 * 環境破壊の進展
