
  • golf
  • A game played on a large open course, the object of which is to hit a ball using clubs, with as few strokes as possible, into each of usually 18 holes.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Golf is a club-and-ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible. Golf, unlike most ball games, cannot and does not use a standardized playing area, and coping with the varied terrains encountered on different courses is a key part of the game. Courses typically have either 18 or 9 holes, regions of terrain that each contain a cup, the hole that receives the ball. Each hole on a course contains a teeing ground to start from, and a putting green containing the cup. There are several standard forms of terrain between the tee and the green, such as the fairway, rough (tall grass), and various hazards such as water, rocks, or sand-filled bunkers. Each hole on a course is unique in its specific layout. Golf is played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most individual holes in a complete round by an individual or team, known as match play. Stroke play is the most commonly seen format at all levels, especially at the elite level. The modern game of golf originated in 15th century Scotland. The 18-hole round was created at the Old Course at St Andrews in 1764. Golf's first major, and the world's oldest tournament in existence, is The Open Championship, also known as the British Open, which was first played in 1860 at the Prestwick Golf Club in Ayrshire, Scotland. This is one of the four major championships in men's professional golf, the other three being played in the United States: The Masters, the U.S. Open, and the PGA Championship.

    ゴルフ(英語: golf、スコットランド語:gowf)は、コース(course)において、静止したボール(ball)をクラブ(club)と呼ばれる道具で打ち、ホール(hole、カップとも)と呼ばれる穴にいかに少ない打数で入れられるかを競う球技の一種。一人で行う競技であり、対戦はコンペティティブ・ペーシェンスとして行われスコアで比較される。 スポーツとして広く親しまれているが、一般人によるプレイはレジャーとして位置付けられる場合が多い。近年の日本では女性も気軽にできるスポーツとして「ゴルフ女子」という言葉も生まれ老若男女問わず親しまれるスポーツとなっている。漢字では打球(だきゅう)、孔球(こうきゅう)、芝球などと表記される。英語での発音は「ガァルフ | ゴォルフ」[gɑ'lf | gɔ'lf]。
