Environmental law

  • environmental law
  • A wide spectrum of options from binding "hard" laws, such as international treaties and national legislation, to "soft" laws, covering guiding principles, recommended practices and procedures, and standards. Environmental law also attempts to reconcile international considerations with concerns that focus on very specific problems such as soil degradation, marine pollution or the depletion of non-renewable resources.
Abstract from DBPedia
    Environmental law is a collective term encompassing aspects of the law that provide protection to the environment. A related but distinct set of regulatory regimes, now strongly influenced by environmental legal principles, focus on the management of specific natural resources, such as forests, minerals, or fisheries. Other areas, such as environmental impact assessment, may not fit neatly into either category, but are nonetheless important components of environmental law.

    環境法(かんきょうほう、英語: environmental law)とは、環境(生活環境・自然環境)の保護に関連する法、ないしそれを扱う法学上の分野。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Environmental_law)