
  • The Gressit Center conducts systematic, zoogeographic, biological, ecological, and evolutionary research on insects and related terrestrial arthropods of Hawai`i, the Pacific and its source areas and documents their nature and diversity by continued development and maintenance of the collections. Current Projects: Continued upgrade of collection storage and research facilities to support higher quality programs. Hawaii Biological Survey and associated programs (Arakaki, Evenhuis, Englund, Gonsalves, Howarth, Preston, Samuelson). Insect Ecology in New Guinea (Allison [from zoology], Basset, Miller, Samuelson). Insect and Spider Collections of the World (Evenhuis, Samuelson). Linked computer databases on Hawaiian arthropods (Gonsalves). Aquatic insect surveys (Englund) Evolution and ecology of cave arthropods (Howarth). Chrysomelidae of the Papuan subregion (Samuelson). Systematics of Bombyliidae and Mythicomyiidae of the world and Dolichopodidae of Hawaii and French Polynesia (Evenhuis). Continued selective additions to the collections, and improved curation of them, in support of research here and eleswhere (over 1,000,000 specimens currently out on loan). Website: "http://www.bishopmuseum.org/research/natsci/ento/index.html"
  • Entomology Department, Natural Science, Bishop Museum, Hawaii