definition |
- Mission Statement - The mission of the Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation
Commission is to:
* enhance the quality of life of Nova Scotians through the development,
encouragement, establishment, co-ordination, implementation and promotion
of sport and recreational programs and services; and,
* develop excellence in programs and services which preserves and develops
the traditional values, quality of life and environment of Nova Scotians.
The Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation Commission will:
* provide information and consulting services to municipalities and provincial
sport and recreation organizations
* provide leadership development for volunteers and professionals
* advocate for sport, recThe Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation Commission will:
* provide information and consulting services to municipalities and provincial
sport and recreation organizations
* provide leadership development for volunteers and professionals
* advocate for sport, recreation and fitness in and outside of government
* coordinate provincial planning and policy development for sport, recreation
and fitnessreation and fitness in and outside of government
* coordinate provincial planning and policy development for sport, recreation
and fitness
* provide funding for sport and recreation organizations - direct and indirect
The Commission provides policies, programs and services that maintain, enhance
and create quality sport, recreation and fitness opportunities which improve
health and contribute to the social and economic well-being of all Nova
The core business activities of the Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation
Commission fall into five areas:
* Sport - Athlete Development, Canada Games, Coaching Development, Funding,
Hosting, Provincial Sport Organizations, Special Initiatives
* Recreation/Active Living - Active Living, Community Opportunities,
Provincial Recreation Organizations, Research/Trends, Volunteer Leadership
* Outdoor Recreation - Active and Safe Routes to School, Active Transportation,
Lost! and Found, Naturalization, Nova Scotia Outdoor Leadership Development
Program (NSOLD), Nova Scotia Lifeguard Service (NSLS),
Trail Development/Use, Trail Information Project, Trails Manual, Water
* Recreational Facility Development - Capital and Other Grants, Community Use
of Schools, Conservation, Leadership Development, Little Red School House
Program, Planning Assistance Program and Facility Planning
* Regional Services - Consulting/Training, Grant Administration, Information
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