
  • Polynesia
Abstract from DBPedia
    Polynesia (UK: /ˌpɒlɪˈniːziə/, US: /-ˈniːʒə/) is a subregion of Oceania, made up of more than 1,000 islands scattered over the central and southern Pacific Ocean. The indigenous people who inhabit the islands of Polynesia are called Polynesians. They have many things in common, including language relatedness, cultural practices, and traditional beliefs. In centuries past, they had a strong shared tradition of sailing and using stars to navigate at night. The largest country in Polynesia is New Zealand. The term Polynésie was first used in 1756 by the French writer Charles de Brosses, who originally applied it to all the islands of the Pacific. In 1831, Jules Dumont d'Urville proposed a narrower definition during a lecture at the Geographical Society of Paris. By tradition, the islands located in the southern Pacific have also often been called the South Sea Islands, and their inhabitants have been called South Sea Islanders. The Hawaiian Islands have often been considered to be part of the South Sea Islands because of their relative proximity to the southern Pacific islands, even though they are in fact located in the North Pacific. Another term in use, which avoids this inconsistency, is "the Polynesian Triangle" (from the shape created by the layout of the islands in the Pacific Ocean). This term makes clear that the grouping includes the Hawaiian Islands, which are located at the northern vertex of the referenced "triangle".


    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Polynesia)

    Polynesia (UK: /ˌpɒlɪˈniːziə/, US: /-ˈniːʒə/) is a subregion of Oceania, made up of more than 1,000 islands scattered over the central and southern Pacific Ocean. The indigenous people who inhabit the islands of Polynesia are called Polynesians. They have many things in common, including language relatedness, cultural practices, and traditional beliefs. In centuries past, they had a strong shared tradition of sailing and using stars to navigate at night. The largest country in Polynesia is New Zealand. The term Polynésie was first used in 1756 by the French writer Charles de Brosses, who originally applied it to all the islands of the Pacific. In 1831, Jules Dumont d'Urville proposed a narrower definition during a lecture at the Geographical Society of Paris. By tradition, the islands located in the southern Pacific have also often been called the South Sea Islands, and their inhabitants have been called South Sea Islanders. The Hawaiian Islands have often been considered to be part of the South Sea Islands because of their relative proximity to the southern Pacific islands, even though they are in fact located in the North Pacific. Another term in use, which avoids this inconsistency, is "the Polynesian Triangle" (from the shape created by the layout of the islands in the Pacific Ocean). This term makes clear that the grouping includes the Hawaiian Islands, which are located at the northern vertex of the referenced "triangle".

    フランス領ポリネシア(フランスりょうポリネシア、フランス語: Polynésie française)は、南太平洋にあるフランスの海外共同体(Collectivité d'outre-mer、略してCOM:英語:overseas collectivity、海外準県)であり、その中でも海外領邦(仏語:Pays d'outre-mer、略してPOM:英語:Overseas Country)という特別な地位を有している。ポリネシアのいくつかの諸島からなる。 ソシエテ諸島のタヒチ島は、リゾート地として最も有名な島で、フランス領ポリネシアの中心地でもある。タヒチの面積は1,608km2の火山島でオロヘナ山(2,237m)が最も高い山。人口も最大であり、行政所在地パペーテがある。コプラ、ノニ(ヤエヤマアオキ)、真珠母貝、黒蝶貝真珠(黒真珠)、バニラ、果汁、マグロなどを産出する。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Polynesia)