
  • Colorado
Abstract from DBPedia
    Colorado (/ˌkɒləˈrædoʊ, -ˈrɑːdoʊ/, other variants) is a state in the Mountain West subregion of the Western United States. It encompasses most of the Southern Rocky Mountains, as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains. Colorado is the eighth most extensive and 21st most populous U.S. state. The 2020 United States census enumerated the population of Colorado at 5,773,714, an increase of 14.80% since the 2010 United States census. The region has been inhabited by Native Americans and their ancestors for at least 13,500 years and possibly much longer. The eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains was a major migration route for early peoples who spread throughout the Americas. "Colorado" is the Spanish adjective meaning "ruddy", the color of the Fountain Formation outcroppings found up and down the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. The Territory of Colorado was organized on February 28, 1861, and on August 1, 1876, U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant signed Proclamation 230 admitting Colorado to the Union as the 38th state. Colorado is nicknamed the "Centennial State" because it became a state one century after the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence. Colorado is bordered by Wyoming to the north, Nebraska to the northeast, Kansas to the east, Oklahoma to the southeast, New Mexico to the south, and Utah to the west, and touches Arizona to the southwest at the Four Corners. Colorado is noted for its vivid landscape of mountains, forests, high plains, mesas, canyons, plateaus, rivers, and desert lands. Colorado is one of the Mountain States, and is a part of the western and southwestern United States. Denver is the capital of and most populous city in Colorado. Residents of the state are known as Coloradans, although the antiquated "Coloradoan" is occasionally used. Major parts of the economy include government and defense, mining, agriculture, tourism, and increasingly other kinds of manufacturing. With increasing temperatures and decreasing water availability, Colorado's agriculture, forestry, and tourism economies are expected to be heavily affected by climate change. Colorado is one of the most educated, developed, and wealthiest states, ranking 3rd in percentage of population 25 and over with a bachelor's degree and 8th in percentage of population 25 and over with an advanced degree, 9th on the American Human Development Index, 8th in per capita income and 9th in median household income.

    コロラド州(コロラドしゅう、英: State of Colorado [kɒləˈrædoʊ, -ˈrɑːdoʊ])は、アメリカ合衆国西部にある州。北側はワイオミング州に接し、北東はネブラスカ州、東側はカンザス州、南側はニューメキシコ州とオクラホマ州に、西側はユタ州に接している。南西の隅はフォー・コーナーズと呼ばれる4つの州がその角を接するポイントであり、ここでアリゾナ州とも接していることになる。州の南北にはロッキー山脈が貫いており、州全体の平均標高が全米で一番高い、山岳地帯の州である。州の西部はコロラド高原、東の方はグレートプレーンズ(大平原)西部のである。面積では50州の中で第8位だが、人口では第21位である。 州都および人口最大の都市は、ロッキー山脈の東側に位置するデンバーである。州の人口の6割以上が、デンバーの広域都市圏(オーロラ、ボルダー、グリーリー等を含む)に集中している。 コロラド州の名前は、スペイン人探検家が名付けたコロラド川に因んでおり、「コロラド」という言葉は「赤みをおびた」を意味するスペイン語で、コロラド川が山岳部から運ぶ赤い沈泥を表している。
