Ocean weather stations

  • Ocean Weather Stations
  • Ocean Weather Stations are ocean based facilities or locations where meteorological data are gathered, recorded, and released. Such stations are of the first order when they make observations of all the important elements either hourly or by self-registering instruments; of the second order when only important observations are taken; of the third order when simpler work is done, as to record rainfall and maximum and minimum temperatures. [Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. 1996] Group: Platform_Details Entry_ID: OCEAN WEATHER STATIONS Group: Platform_Identification Platform_Category: In Situ Ocean-based Platforms Platform_Series_or_Entity: OCEAN PLATFORM/OCEAN STATIONS Short_Name: OCEAN WEATHER STATIONS End_Group Group: Synonymous_Platform_Names Short_Name: Ocean Weather Stations End_Group Creation_Date: 2007-12-12 End_Group