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- The World Data Center for Oceanography, Obninsk is maintained by the Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Environment.
Summary of Data Held: Data from 15,771 research vessel cruises from 64 countries (including former Soviet Republics). These contain data from over 1,090,000 oceanographic stations, 565,000 bathythermograph profiles, 25,000 CTD profiles, and 4,000 deep sea and surface current meters for 1890-1994.
The data are in the form of magnetic tapes, diskettes, CDROMs, and hard copies. Data can be transferred in standard formats to diskettes and magnetic tapes. Long term data series and quality controlled global and regional data sets are available.
User Services: The WDC-Russia provides copies of data and information products, information on incoming data; use of library, e-mail, fax and post.
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