
  • Wyoming
Abstract from DBPedia
    Wyoming (/waɪˈoʊmɪŋ/) is a state in the Mountain West subregion of the Western United States. It is bordered by Montana to the north and northwest, South Dakota and Nebraska to the east, Idaho to the west, Utah to the southwest, and Colorado to the south. With a population of 576,851 in the 2020 United States census, Wyoming is the least populous state despite being the 10th largest by area, with the second-lowest population density after Alaska. The state capital and most populous city is Cheyenne, which had an estimated population of 63,957 in 2018. Wyoming's western half is covered mostly by the ranges and rangelands of the Rocky Mountains, while the eastern half of the state is high-elevation prairie called the High Plains. It is drier and windier than the rest of the country, being split between semi-arid and continental climates with greater temperature extremes. Almost half of the land in Wyoming is owned by the federal government, generally protected for public uses. The state ranks 6th by area and fifth by proportion of a state's land owned by the federal government. Federal lands include two national parks (Grand Teton and Yellowstone), two national recreation areas, two national monuments, several national forests, historic sites, fish hatcheries, and wildlife refuges. Indigenous peoples inhabited the region for thousands of years. Historic and current federally recognized tribes include the Arapaho, Crow, Lakota, and Shoshone. During European exploration, the Spanish Empire was the first to "claim" southern Wyoming. With Mexican independence, it became part of that republic. After defeat in the Mexican–American War, Mexico ceded this territory to the U.S. in 1848. The region was named "Wyoming" in a bill introduced to Congress in 1865 to provide a temporary government for the territory of Wyoming. It had been used earlier by colonists for the Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania, and is derived from the Lenape language Munsee word xwé:wamənk, meaning "at the big river flat". Bills for Wyoming Territory's admission to the union were introduced in both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives in December 1889. On March 27, 1890, the House passed the bill and President Benjamin Harrison signed Wyoming's statehood bill; Wyoming became the 44th state in the union. Historically, European Americans farmed and ranched here, with shepherds and cattle ranchers in conflict over lands. Today Wyoming's economy is largely based on tourism and the extraction of minerals such as coal, natural gas, oil, and trona. Agricultural commodities include barley, hay, livestock, sugar beets, wheat, and wool. It was the first state to allow women the right to vote and the right to assume elected office, as well as the first state to elect a female governor. Due to this part of its history, its main nickname is "The Equality State" and its official state motto is "Equal Rights". It has been a politically conservative state since the 1950s. The Republican presidential nominee has carried the state in every election since 1968.

    ワイオミング州(ワイオミングしゅう、英: State of Wyoming [waɪˈoʊmɪŋ])は、アメリカ合衆国西部の山岳地域にある州。 州都はシャイアン市である。陸地面積は全米50州の中で第10位であるが、人口は576,851人(2020年国勢調査)と全米50州の中で最も少なく(1市のみであるコロンビア特別区よりも少ない)、都市と比較しても、全米31位のウィスコンシン州ミルウォーキー市より少ない。人口密度は2.3人/km2で、全米50州の中ではアラスカ州に次いで2番目に、また本土48州の中では最も低い。ワイオミングとはアルゴンキン語族インディアンの言葉で「大平原」を意味し、州の東側3分の1はと呼ばれ、広大なグレートプレーンズの西部にあたる標高の高い平原地帯が広がっている。西側3分の2はロッキー山脈東部の山岳地帯と丘陵の牧草地帯である。州の愛称は「平等の州 (Equality State)」、「カウボーイ州 (Cowboy State)」である。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Wyoming)