
  • The Miombo Network was formed to create a regional network for global change research on the dominant biome of Southern Africa: the Miombo Woodlands, and to design a project based on the IGBP Transects framework (IGBP Report 36) and the LUCC Core Project. A Miombo Network meeting was held in Zomba, Malawi during December 4-7th, 1995, with funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the IGBP. The meeting was jointly organized by GCTE, LUCC, DIS, PAGES, IGAC and START. The following countries were represented: Australia, Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, Uganda, USA, Zaire and Zimbabwe. The goals of the Miombo Network are: to develop a fundamental understanding of the rates and causes of land cover changes in relation to land use patterns; to predict the consequences of land use/land cover changes on regional climate, natural resources, water resources, carbon storage and trace gas emissions; to develop a predictive understanding of miombo woodland structure and function; to understand determinants of distribution of species and ecosystems in the miombo. For more information on the Miombo Network, see: "http://miombo.gecp.virginia.edu/" For more on the Land Use and Cover Change International Project Office see: "http://www.icc.es/lucc/home.html" For more information on the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) see: "http://www.igbp.kva.se/" Contact: Miombo Network Paul V. Desanker Global Environmental Change Program Department of Environmental Sciences University of Virginia Clark Hall Charlottesville, VA 22903 Phone: 804-924-3382 FAX: 804-982-2137 Email: desanker@virginia.edu IDN_Node: USA/NASA
  • Global Environmental Change Program, Department of Environmental Science, University of Virginia