
  • Chromosphere
Abstract from DBPedia
    A chromosphere ("sphere of color") is the second layer of a star's atmosphere, located above the photosphere and below the solar transition region and corona. The term usually refers to the Sun's chromosphere, but not exclusively. In the Sun's atmosphere, the chromosphere is roughly 3,000 to 5,000 kilometers (1,900 to 3,100 miles) in height, or slightly more than 1% of the Sun's radius at maximum thickness. It possesses a homogeneous layer at the boundary with the photosphere. Hair-like jets of plasma, called spicules, rise from this homogeneous region and through the chromosphere, extending up to 10,000 km (6,200 mi) into the corona above. The chromosphere has a characteristic red color due to electromagnetic emissions in the Hα spectral line. Information about the chromosphere is primarily obtained by analysis of its emitted electromagnetic radiation. Chromospheres have also been observed on stars other than the Sun. On large stars, chromospheres sometimes make up a significant proportion of the entire star. For example, the chromosphere of supergiant star Antares has been found to be about 2.5 times larger in thickness than the star's radius.

    彩層(さいそう、chromosphere)とは、太陽などの恒星の表層部分で、光球の外側、コロナの内側に位置する薄いガスによって形成される層。 太陽の場合、厚さは数千から1万km。彩層の最下層である温度最低層では光球よりやや低温(5778K)で、高度と共に増加してコロナとの境界層(遷移層)付近では1万度ケルビンに達する。彩層では磁場が支配的であり、磁気エネルギーの解放現象である太陽フレアや、プラズマが磁力線によって太陽大気中に保持された紅炎(プロミネンス)が観測される。肉眼では地球上から視認することはできないが、皆既日食発生時や水素の出すHα線フィルターを用いることで観測する事ができる。 また、コロナとの間の領域には遷移層がある。
