
  • UWA/IsoLab
  • IsoLab is a facility specializing in the analysis of light stable isotopes. Our focus has been to use the stable isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur to help elucidate paleo and modern-day environments. Our core group here at the University of Washington brings together the Departments of Earth and Space Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, and Biology as well as the interdisciplinary programs: Quaternary Research Center, Astrobiology Program, and Program on Climate Change. We welcome individuals from all departments and from on or off the University of Washington campus to visit our facility, and to take advantage of our expertise. Please contact Andy for more information about use of our services or the relevant faculty regarding possibilities for collaboration. [source: http://isolab.ess.washington.edu/isolab/about-us/people]
  • University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, IsoLab