
  • Waterfall
  • A place where running water makes a sheer drop, usually over a cliff.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A waterfall is a point in a river or stream where water flows over a vertical drop or a series of steep drops. Waterfalls also occur where meltwater drops over the edge of a tabular iceberg or ice shelf. Waterfalls can be formed in several ways, but the most common method of formation is that a river courses over a top layer of resistant bedrock before falling on to softer rock, which erodes faster, leading to an increasingly high fall. Waterfalls have been studied for their impact on species living in and around them. Humans have had a distinct relationship with waterfalls for years, travelling to see them, exploring and naming them. They can present formidable barriers to navigation along rivers. Waterfalls are religious sites in many cultures. Since the 18th century they have received increased attention as tourist destinations, sources of hydropower, and—particularly since the mid-20th century—as subjects of research.

    滝(瀧、たき)とは、河川や湖の一部が段差になっているため、水が落下している場所を言う。瀑布(ばくふ)、飛瀑(ひばく)とも言う。なお、水の落下開始場所を滝口(たきぐち)と言い、水の落下点の水深が深くなっている場所を滝壷(たきつぼ)と言う。 日本においては、国土地理院の定めた定義によると、「流水が急激に落下する場所で落差が5メートル以上で、常時水が流れているもの」とされているが、歴史的に有名な滝や地理上の好目標となる滝については例外もある。

    (Source: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Waterfall)