
  • Indiana
Abstract from DBPedia
    Indiana (/ˌɪndiˈænə/) is a U.S. state in the Midwestern United States. It is the 38th-largest by area and the 17th-most populous of the 50 States. Its capital and largest city is Indianapolis. Indiana was admitted to the United States as the 19th state on December 11, 1816. It is bordered by Lake Michigan to the northwest, Michigan to the north, Ohio to the east, the Ohio River and Kentucky to the south and southeast, and the Wabash River and Illinois to the west. Various indigenous peoples inhabited what would become Indiana for thousands of years, some of whom the U.S. government expelled between 1800 and 1836. Indiana received its name because the state was largely possessed by native tribes even after it was granted statehood. Since then, settlement patterns in Indiana have reflected regional cultural segmentation present in the Eastern United States; the state's northernmost tier was settled primarily by people from New England and New York, Central Indiana by migrants from the Mid-Atlantic states and adjacent Ohio, and Southern Indiana by settlers from the Upland South, particularly Kentucky and Tennessee. Indiana has a diverse economy with a gross state product of $352.62 billion in 2021. It has several metropolitan areas with populations greater than 100,000 and a number of smaller cities and towns. Indiana is home to professional sports teams, including the NFL's Indianapolis Colts and the NBA's Indiana Pacers. The state also hosts several notable competitive events, such as the Indianapolis 500, held at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

    インディアナ州State of Indiana 州の愛称: 開拓民の州The Hoosier State州のモットー: アメリカの十字路The Crossroads of America インディアナ州(インディアナしゅう、英: State of Indiana [ɪndiˈænə])は、アメリカ合衆国の中西部に位置する州。五大湖地域にも含まれる。アメリカ合衆国50州の中で陸地面積では第38位、人口では第17位である。前身のインディアナ準州から1816年12月11日に合衆国19番目の州に昇格した。州の北はミシガン州に、東はオハイオ州、西はイリノイ州、南はケンタッキー州に接している。州都はインディアナポリス市であり、人口最大の都市でもある。
