
  • Boreholes
  • Boreholes are holes drilled deep into the ground (or ocean crust). Profiles of rock temperatures with depth can be related to the history of temperature changes at the surface, which can be converted to estimates of air temperature. Borehole temperature measurements can provide estimates of local temperature variations over time intervals of a few hundred to over a thousand years.
Abstract from DBPedia
    A borehole is a narrow shaft bored in the ground, either vertically or horizontally. A borehole may be constructed for many different purposes, including the extraction of water (drilled water well and tube well), other liquids (such as petroleum), or gases (such as natural gas). It may also be part of a geotechnical investigation, environmental site assessment, mineral exploration, temperature measurement, as a pilot hole for installing piers or underground utilities, for geothermal installations, or for underground storage of unwanted substances, e.g. in carbon capture and storage.

    井戸(いど)は、広義には地下資源(地下水、温泉、石油、天然ガス、地熱など)の採取や調査・観測などのために地中に向かって掘った設備。 一般に「井戸」といった場合には地下の帯水層から地下水を汲み上げるために地層や岩石を人工的に掘削した採水施設を指すことが多い。以下、地下水を汲む井戸を中心に説明する。
